

Please note first: since VMware/VirtualBox is a type-2 hypervisor, it needs to run on top of an operating system and requires access to hardware virtualization extensions, such as Intel VT-x or AMD-V. Therefore, your computer needs to be bare metal. Before using VMware/VirtualBox, please check whether your computer/server has been virtualized. For methods, please refer to .

Installation of VirtualBox

  1. Download VirtualBox from the official website. Unfortunately, for Apple chips (M1 chips, M2 chips, etc.), VirtualBox is not supported. You can only use VMware Fusion instead.

  2. Install VirtualBox. Just follow the instructions provided by the installer. For Windows, you also need to append the installation path to the environment variable PATH for enabling the VBoxManage command. The default installation path is C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox.

  3. Verify the successful installation by running the following:

    VBoxManage --version

    If the installation along with the environment variable set is successful, you will see the version of VirtualBox installed on your system.